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25 in stock
Aluminium Lead Weight Mould Norway Cod Bombs 2 weights 1 x 90g and 1 x 120g
6 in stock
Aluminium Fish Head Jig Mould Four Jigs per Cast, 32g – 14g Uses VMC Red Hooks
8 in stock
Aluminum, Mould Fish Head Jig 30 & 40 gram Brilliant for Cod Conger Ling Pollack
18 in stock
Cod Bomb 2 Jig Head Takes VMC 5150 size 10/0, 90+120g 8mm Adhesive eyes Cod,Ling
19 in stock
Cod Bomb 4 Jig Head Takes VMC 5150 sizes 3/0-4/0 16/18/20/25g 5mm Adhesive eyes
22 in stock
Cod Bomb Jig Head Takes VMC 5150 size 6/0
Out of stock
Jig Head Mould Fishing Lure 50/90g Uses VMC Jig Hooks5150 size 5/0 and 6/0
1 in stock
Jig Head Mould Fishing Lure 6,8,10.12,15,20g VMC Jig Hooks5150 size 2/0 and 3/0
3 in stock
Mould ,Jig, Fish Head lead sinker,wreck fishing lure, Pirk muppet cod CB106
Mould for Fish Head Jig 10,15,20g Ideal for Kayak and LRF, Pier fishing
5 in stock
Mould for Fish Head Jig 30,40,50g Ideal for Kayak and LRF, Pier fishing
7 in stock
Mould for flat fish head jig Ideal kayak + rock fishing Uses 1/0 and 2/0 hooks
35 in stock
Twin Jig Head Mould Fishing Lure 200/250g VMC 5150 10/0 Boat Fishing, wrecks